The Bonus

But diets high in sodium can lead to water retention which is why you may feel puffy bloated. Fast food is still unhealthy say researchers who studied the calories saturated fat and salt levels in meals offered by three major US.

Obesity Crisis How Junk Food Adverts Lead To 18 000 Extra Calories

According to a study paper in the journal Health Promotion Perspectives fast food tends to contain various substances that are generally.

Fast food is unhealthy. Just like eating one salad doesnt make you healthy eating one fast food meal does not make you unhealthy says Mike Gorski RD registered dietitian and owner of MG FitLife. With statistical associations to weight gain obesity diabetes cardiovascular conditions and all-cause mortality regularly eating fast food can be a dangerous thing. The combination of fat sugar and lots of sodium salt can make fast food tastier to some people.

Many people visit these restaurants frequently to eat their main meals. Weight Gain and Obesity A. When you eat junk food that is filled with sugar it causes a spike in your blood sugar.

Why is fast food so unhealthy. That being said MOST fast food options can be quite deceiving in their total calories be loaded with subpar ingredients sodium trans fats saturated fat and sugar. Fast food restaurants are popular because they serve tasty convenient foods for a reasonable price.

Fast food is bad for your health because it can cause the following problems. Higher Risk of Heart Diseases. Why Fast Food Is Bad for You.

Fast food companies add high amounts of sodium and other large amounts of unhealthy additives and preservatives to make the food cheap tasty and addictive but the food ends up nutrient-poor as Demand Media nutrition writer Clay McNight explains The frying process that makes these foods appeal to your taste buds and the pleasure centers in your brain also renders them high in Trans fat. Eating too much fast food is considered to be a leading cause of obesity hypertension and heart disease. Can you imagine the result of this situation.

You may be aware that fast and processed foods can harm your physical health leading to diabetes and obesity as well as premature cardiac death cancer strokes and more. The bad fats trans and saturated fats in fast food increases triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in your blood leading to plaque buildup in the arteries. Fast foods contain lots of calories sugar sodium and unhealthy fats substances that increase your risk of obesity type 2 diabetes high blood pressure and heart disease.

Although healthier items are being added to fast food menus many food choices remain high in calories sugar cholesterol saturated fat andor sodium. Fast food is typically very poor in terms of nutrition. Those who are addicted to fatty junk food are bound to have digestive problems like gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD and irritable bowel syndrome IBS.

If you eat fast food all the time it can affect how your body processes insulin. Learn more about the reasons why fast food is bad for you. Fast food health risks you need to know about.

These unhealthy choices can lead to weight gain and numerous health problems such as high blood pressure atherosclerosis and Type II diabetes. This can cause heart diseases. And we eat burgers with french fries sodas chicken nuggets ice cream or even pizza.

The average fast food meal contains 1000 calories including refined carbohydrates which can raise blood sugar levels too high according to the American Diabetes Association. Little change was noted in any of those. Fast food can increase the risk of atherosclerosis or hardening and narrowing of the arteries heart disease and stroke due to the types of ingredients it contains and the amounts people typically.

They dont realize that these type of food items are bad for health. Ive been teached that fast foods are very harmful for us that can cause cancer and heart disease. Chewing food thoroughly until it is in a semi liquid state will mean more nutrients are absorbed.

Food that isnt broken down properly into chyme the mixture of hydrochloric acid paritally digested food and digestive enzymes can cause indigestion which leads to symptoms such as bloating belching gas nausea and sometimes vomiting. If you just eat junk food and fast food once every few months this probably wont cause any problems. The health risks of fast food are well-documented and while eating it occasionally is unlikely to cause problems the same isnt true for regular consumption.

Increased health risks are directly associated with increased consumption of fast foods. Also one hamburger include about 450 calories which can make us an obese people.